Your partner for sustainable project management

TREESCON unites projects and sustainability with the aim of embedding strategic sustainability goals into all company levels.


Situation & Context


Management & Monitoring


Integration & Change


Management Advisory

From the creative concept to its realisation – we combine the essential elements of sustainability with the objectives and strategy, the set-up and progress of a project. Expectations and results are taken into account from the very beginning.

TREESCON Management Advisory covers:

  • Concept development
  • Requirements management
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Materiality analysis
  • Proposals for action
  • Workshops and trainings


PMO N Logo

From determining objectives to monitoring, TREESCON systematically supports the realisation of a project throughout all its phases. Goals significant to sustainability are integrated into the project’s objectives and thus embedded in the project both on a strategic and on a practical level.

With TREESCON PMON, we provide the following services:

  • Scope identification/freezing
  • Project communication
  • Project management office services
  • Project leadership in part or whole
  • Project team set-up and coaching
  • Project diagnosis


Using precisely tailored tools, sustainability objectives can be realised throughout the project’s progress. These tools also enable holistic monitoring and reporting.

TREESCON develops solutions tailored to the customer’s needs and wishes and integrates these into the project:

  • Digital project profile
  • Digital project portal
  • Project dashboard
  • Communications project team



The energy industry is one of the key areas of sustainable development and infrastructure fit for the future. Whether a pilot project or innovations for expanding capacity and increasing efficiency – the initiatives of the energy business are leading only to a sustainable future, if sustainability is considered, planned and realised right from the very beginning, – also in terms of project management.

Transport & Logistics

The pressure on cities to reduce emissions is growing every day. Zero emissions in transport and logistics is in demand – an objective which seems utopic for many, as the changes required to achieve this are complex and entail many different risks. In spite of this, the first companies have already begun to set a course for sustainable development in their industry. They are relying on an effective combination of innovation, collaboration and digital tools. And when they succeed, they have a strategic edge in their ability to be competitive in future.

Oil & Gas

The extraction and consumption of fossil fuels are leaving a deep carbon footprint worldwide – a fact which keeps the oil and gas industry continually in the public focus and requires a transformation of the current business model. Changing the product portfolio to make production more energy efficient, socially fairer and resource friendlier is a complex, yet necessary process. It requires the old structures to be broken down, to question learnedmanagement methods and to intervene in the core business, all the way down to the project level.


Leading chemicals companies are already working on replacing oil and gas in their product palettes with sustainable and biodegradable resources. This transition to “green” chemicals poses many questions: What can a sustainable product profile look like? What has to be considered to develop not only a sustainable product, but also a future-proof utilisation? Answers still have to be found and tested. But every small step towards green chemicals is an important one – for sustainable development and for the industry, which can tap into new sales markets and prove its ability to remain viable.Folgende Texte stehen in der Rubrik „About“





We are convinced that a sustainable company is one that unites its core business with its project business. With each project that we realise, we also take on a special responsibility towards our clients, the environment and society. We see ourselves as multipliers for sustainable thinking and acting.




We would like to make an impacting contribution to sustainability in daily project business over the next years. The objectives of sustainability and of project management should no longer lead to conflicts – instead, they should be brought together to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of projects. Not only will many companies profit from this in their every-day dealings, they will also achieve a change in the way employees think.




The location in Hamburg focuses on management and strategy advisory, while services are developed at our location in Essen.